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us politics

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“You will either step forward into growth, or back into safety.”-Abraham Maslow
In the 40s an American psychologist named Abraham Maslow studied something he called self actualization — this being the highest level of human consciousness. As he observed everything from primates to the particularly evolved Blackfeet Indians, he started to develop his idea around “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs”. Much of what we currently observe in American politics and culture are easily correlated to this concept. If people are in the bottom…
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US Debt Ceiling Breaking News_RWLGS Inc
And now we’re going to hear about the "Debt Ceiling" for months…  Let’s get two things straight from the beginning of this conversation: A): we spend too much money on the wrong things in our country, and B): the Debt Ceiling is a made-for-TV fantasy that was passed into law to make old-school, Gold-Standard luddites feel better. It’s all a made-up crisis.  For the sake of history, let’s review. The…
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Social Security umbrella_RWLGS_2023
For the love of God, can we talk about Social Security? The long beloved US program is the cornerstone of American retirement; it's mostly funded by contributions with overruns paid for by  the general fund. It also pays out for disability and pays money to kids who lose parents and some sundry other stuff.  First, let’s stipulate that the Social Security program is a good program. Even with its flaws…
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